Tribe of Mentors, Tim Ferris-special quotes for me

Өнөөдөр номоо уншиж дуусгаад, онцлох ишлэлүүдээ англи хэл дээр нь блог дээрээ хадгалж үлдэхийг хүслээ.Яагаад гэвэл, номоо үргэлж авч явах нь амар биш, боломжгүй. Тийм болохоор, хэрэгтэй үедээ, хаанаас ч, хэзээ ч эргэж сөхөн уншиж болох учраас энд тэмдэглэн үлдээж байна. 

* Life would be boring if we all followed exactly the same rules, and you will want to pick and choose. 

* You are the author of your life, and it's never too late to replace the stories you tell yourself and the world. It's never too late to begin a new chapter, add a surprise twist, or change genres entirely. 

* I have been burned enough times by FOMO based and ego based decision-making to know that i will always regret choosing to do something for the wrong reason. 

* Know that the only reason you are here on this planet is to follow your star and do what the Muse tells you. It's amazing how a good day's work will get you right back to feeling like yourself. 

* Time is the only thing we can't get back. 

* I would rather die doing something i feel is great and amazing rather than be safe and comfortable living a life i hate. 

* You don't find the time to do something; you make the time to do things. 

* Inside suffering is the seed of change. 

* No desires running amok. It's okey to have a desire. But pick a big ones and pick it carefully. Drop the small ones. 

* Cultivate that desire by reading what you want, not what you are supposed to. 

* Happiness is a choice you make and a skill you develop. 

* Memento mori - remember that you have to die. All of this will go to nothing. 

* When people care, they will go beyond the extra mile to understand you. 

* I think humans can only feel real hatred of people they are able to dehumanize in their heads. As soon as someone is exposed to reality and reminded of the full humanness of someone they hate, the hatred usually fades away and empathy pours in. 

* We traded the fun of having fancy lifestyles in our 20s for being far more free people at the age of 30. this freedom is what led me to start Wait but Why and become a full time writer. 

* Make sure I'm dedicating my time to the right people with the question, Is this someone i might be thinking about when i am on my deathbed?

* Your time is limited, so it's best to spend it with people who will make you feel like you made the most of your gift of today. 

* Don't let someone knock you off course before you reach your destination. 

* My soul doesn't speak in thoughts at all. it speaks in feelings, images and clues. 

* Have something every day that lights you up. 

* What would you do if you weren't afraid? That's good one. 

* Be so good that they can't ignore you. 

* If i have nothing positive to say, i don't say anything. 

* I no longer wanted to work for things. 

* I understood that my goal of owning a physical house was not going to satisfy me. What i really wanted was a spiritual house, a place inside me where i could feel fulfilled at anytime. 

* To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children. ... To leave the world a bit better. 

* Pay attention to activities, ideas, and areas where you love the process, not just the result or the outcome. 

* Things are never as good or as bad as they seem. 

* Try to change your mind about one thing every day. 

* Don't be afraid of being wrong. Because being wrong is just an opportunity to find more of the truth. 

* Be open to what the world brings your way. 

* There is no exact answer to the question What is the meaning of life? It's like asking a chess master What is the best move in the world? It all depends on what situation you are in. 

* If you show interest in them, they will be interested in you. People react to kindness, to respect with respect. 

* In moments when you don't believe in yourself, you need other people who believe in you. 

* The time i invested in learning languages was essential to my career. 

* What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt- it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else. 

* Every time i have given without any expectation of return. Money, time, energy, whatever. 

* There are so many scale. No don't scale. Start small, stay as small as possible for as long as possible. Grow in control, not out of control. 

* People look for retreats for themselves, in the country by the coast or in the hills. There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. .. So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself. 

* Failure is not the opposite of success but a steppingstone to success. 

* Make yourself proud. 

* You are 99 years old, you are on your deathbed, and you have to chance to come back to right now. What would you do? 

* You can choose a different life. 

* Your heart is a million times more powerful than your brain. 

* Don't over do it. 

* Everyone having an ultimate goal in life, but most of us are too afraid to pursue it. 

* You are a person worthy of love. You don't have to do anything to prove that. You don't have to earn love. You simply have to exist. 

* Try everything you think you might want to do professionally before accepting whatever backup plan you have in the back of your head but are very much hoping to avoid. 

* Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up. 

* True success is doing something you love for a living. 

* Part of knowing who you are is knowing who you are not. 

*  However, the way to get the strongest is to lift what is optimal and not what is maximal. 

* What other people or business are doing. When you are not looking at what is in front of you, you could have a very tragic misstep. 

* If i really don't like something, or if something doesn't agree with me, i just walk away or talk to someone more positive. 

* Rather than striving to be superhuman, i would aspire to be less super and more human. 

* You can't build a significant business with one foot out the door. 

* Your idea can't take flight if you don't leave the nest. 

* Sometimes, however, loss of focus is a symptom of something else, that you really don't care for your work. This needs a lot of reflection and discussions with mentors to figure out whether you need a break, a vacation, or a change of career.  

* Be in a hurry to learn, not in a hurry to get validation. 

* The realization that the best way to get things done is to let go. 

* Know before you go. 

* To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. 

* So many things i have done haven't worked- but they led me to learning what did work, what not to repeat, and what to do better. 

* Avoiding risk of failure means avoiding transcendent creative leaps forward. 

* Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. 

* Emptiness is the fasting of the mind. 

* There is always more to be learned and greater skill to be developed. 

* Life's greatest opportunities run on their own schedule, not yours. 

* Deep work for me means no interruptions or jumping around casually between tasks. 

* The most promising path to success is pursuing genuine interests and setting yourself up for the circumstantial relationships, collaborations and experiences that will make all the difference in your life. 

* Choose opportunities based on the quality of people you will get to work with. 

* Being physically fit and keeping yourself healthy. In the long run, that's really what you want more than anything else. 

* There is some truth in that approach, but most of important stuff has to be parallel processed, like your relationships and your health, because you can't make up the time by doing more of it later. 

*  You need to spend time with your best performers, not just with all of your problems. 

* If you only engage with people about problems, pretty soon, you will become the problem for them. 

* I learned the limits of my own abilities, and the importance of going to the experts instead of looking for shortcuts. 


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